Friday, 26 November 2010

Week 5 - SLanksgiving

Yesterday was Thanksgiving.  As a Brit neither living in nor Born in the USA (there, that should stick a piece of Springsteen in everyones' heads for the rest of the day) this would normally pass me by without much in the way of notice or mention - nearly to the same extent as Canadian Thanksgiving, what's that aboot, eh?

OK, I'm sorry.... I know..... I've let you all down but worst of all I've let myself down.  Let's all just pretend that attempt at Canada-speak never happened and move on, ok?  Good.

Since arriving here in Second Life however, things have changed.  I've found myself very quickly mixing with awesome folks from all over the globe.  Yes, I've met lots of fellow Brits but also some very fine residents of Portugal, Australia, Korea, Scotland (they like to be considered separate y'know) and of course no small number from the Land of the Free & The Home of The Brave.  This meant that the subject of the impending Thanksgiving celebrations was very much the subject of conversation both in the run up to Thursday and on the day itself, putting the holiday very much front and centre (as opposed to center) of my awareness this week.

Now, whilst I may have found myself without the urge to stuff my face full of turkey, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie before plonking myself in front of the TV to watch the NFL (although now I think of it, that sounds kinda good) this did all get me thinking that I have plenty to be thankful for after just a month or so here in Second Life.  Which brings me to the main thrust of the blog this week.  Some much deserved thanks to just a few of the wonderful souls I've met thus far here in SL and who have kept me coming back for more.

In no particular order then.....

Thom & Meri - Thanks for giving us all the Greatest Indie Club In All Of SL (TM), AAi.  That place where awesome people and awesome tunes collide.  My home away from RL, metaphorical security blanket and setting for some of the strangest, most surprising and hilarious evenings these past few weeks.  If you've done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off by trying to spend a couple of hours at an AAi set without laughing out loud, singing along or tapping your foot.  Expect the unexpected from time to time too.....

Shauna - Thanks for the amazing Moonletters district on the Penny Lane sim.  Whilst AAi has pretty much become my second home in SL I have to say I've been made to feel just as welcome by Shauna and the residents over at Moonletters too, plus the website is fantastic.  Great sim, great residents and a great cinema, plus I get to sit on the balcony which is awesome!

Graz - Thanks for not only managing the Greatest Indie Club In All Of SL (TM), AAi but also for regularly cracking me up with a myriad of accessories (daleks, pogo sticks, facelights etc) and for always putting on an awesome set every Wednesday.  Also, thanks for being understanding enough to not summarily boot me out of your lovely home that time I accidentally sat on Josie's head.

Josie - Thanks for nagging (sorry, "encouraging") me to actually keep writing these blog posts, getting me to expand my horizons a little by spending some time over at Dugi's Soul Mods and showing me quite possibly the most jaw-droppingly pretty sim I've yet seen (not to mention possibly the most jaw-droppingly pretty black dress too!)  Also thanks for not laughing too much at my many, many, many instances of noobtastic behaviour.  I would however like to also take this moment to make it very clear that I'm NOT thanking Josie for trying to popularise a certain gesture in my name.  It's NOT my gesture and you & Meri can both stop encouraging it ;)

Jellie - speaking of gestures, big thanks to Jellie for populating my gesture folder with an unfeasibly large collection of brilliantly fun and amusing gestures.  Also, thanks for being the one to finally get me sorted with an AO - not walking like a noob anymore rules!!  Extra thanks for letting us all touch your butt so we could dance in unison at Meri's Pig & Whistle set.

Nomad - Thursday night DJ at AAi and from memory (which I'll admit isn't 100% reliable) the man who was spinning the tunes on my very first night in SL.  Thanks for the awesome tunes, particularly the covers.  Any man who will shamelessly play Nelly the Elephant back to back with Rolf Harris just to amuse a few of his regulars at an impromptu, unscheduled set must surely be applauded.  Also responsible for another awesome night of sychro dancing on the beach (see also "touching Jellie's butt" above)

Claire - Thanks for Mod Night at AAi, which of late I've come to refer to as "Lucky Tuesdays".  Never can a DJ have had a more challenging start to their AAi career bearing in mind that on week 1 the entire club went offline so everyone had to be redirected to Thom & Meri's place as an impromptu back-up venue.  Not to be deterred, a fantastic time was had by all and Tuesday nights at AAi have now already become pretty much unmissable.

Cam - he barely ever comes to SL anymore, but he logged on the other night to come say hi during Graz's Jukebox Fury set over at AAi so thanks :)

Dorian, Liat, Slon & Fakey at the Jewell Theater - thanks for making me feel welcome and giving great noob advice in my first week, not to mention explaining the whole bunny thing.  Also thanks for the totally awesome Halloween costume!

Pixie - well where do I start?  Thanks for being my SL guru, noob-wrangler, fashion stylist, personal shopper, interior designer (I still love that table and bonsai whatever you say), awesome DJ, tour guide, surf instructor, cab driver, movie buddy, hat buddy, hockey goalie, dance partner, V2 sister and all round amazing gal.  Your warmth and kindness is matched only by your awesome taste in music (and noobs)!

Min - whilst everyone I've mentioned so far is truly awesome and has made me feel amazingly welcome here in SL I will reserve a special thank you for Min.  Min was the reason I first heard of SL and its pretty certain that I wouldn't even be here if it hadn't been for her.  She also bought me this awesome cow chair, seen here being enjoyed by Pixie and myself.

Thanks everyone, for being you and making me welcome.

1 comment:

  1. You're always so nice about us in your blog Mossy... one of these days I'll make you a proper name gesture as a thank you :) In the meantime...

